Tag Archives: book recommendation

Special Feature: The Others

Derek recently brought to my attention a cool idea posted by user Ozil23 on the FFG forums, and I couldn’t resist falling down the rabbit hole.  In short, what if our duplicate versions of unique characters aren’t actually the same person, but rather other people from other eras of Tolkien’s legendarium with the same name?  […]

Reader Comments #1

As I stated in my “Greetings and Goals” when establishing this blog, my chief objective at Master of Lore is to bridge the gap between the current flurry of commercial products related to Middle-earth and the timeless literature of J.R.R. Tolkien.  Unlike Christopher Tolkien, the Professor’s son and executor of the Tolkien Estate, who believes […]

Old Forest Road

There is nothing quite like the feeling of the first step of any grand adventure.  The first day of a new job or new school year; loading up the suitcase for a flight or road trip to a new destination; or, in the case of our beloved collectible game, ripping the plastic off a fresh […]

Boots from Erebor

…in metalwork we cannot rival our fathers, many of whose secrets are lost. — Gloin, Many Meetings But how about boots? The flavor text from Boots from Erebor doesn’t go anywhere near the Lonely Mountain. It is taken from the prologue “Concerning Hobbits” and reminds us that, yes, some hobbits wore boots. Not just any […]

Greetings and Goals

Although Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit film is currently winding down its theater run, his mega-budget fantasy action trilogy is bound to keep all things Tolkien blooming before us for the foreseeable future.  From books to bobbleheads, video games to glassware, and costumes to collectibles like the living card game this blog will discuss, there is […]

Numidian Prime

A site dedicated to analyzing the history and connections that bind the Star Wars galaxy

Vision Of The Palantir

In depth analysis of quests and strategy guides for LOTR LCG

Cave of Gollum

A Lord of the Rings LCG Blog

Mythos Busters

Investigating the Mystery, Monsters, and Madness of Arkham Horror: The Card Game