Tag Archives: Rangers

Arador’s Bane

“Arador was the grandfather of the King.” So begins “The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen” in Appendix A, where we learn of the untimely death of Strider’s grandfather while he was a captive of “hill-trolls in the Coldfells north of Rivendell”. Like all of the other Dúnedain Chieftains, Arador’s name begins with the Sindarin prefix […]

Sarn Ford Sentry

Rangers and more rangers! We here at Master of Lore have spent a lot of time talking about the Dúnedain in this current cycle, and rightfully so! The Rangers of the North have finally gotten their due in our LCG. I’ve already gushed about how cool they are, so I shall stop now, and proceed […]

Thematic Playthrough #6: Deadmen’s Dike

Anyone who had been following this blog knows how eagerly I was awaiting the Angmar Awakened cycle. Imagine my sadness then that my shipment of The Lost Realm was lost at sea just like the last king of the North! At long last though, I have secured a copy and the time to play and […]

Anticipating Angmar Awakened: The Geography

I, for one, am incredibly excited about The Lost Realm expansion that is coming O so very soon for our game. The Rangers of the North are some of my favorites (okay, they’re all my favorite. But still…) and I love the land of Eriador. It is such an interesting region as it is a kind […]

Anticipating Angmar Awakened: The History

The Lost Realm is ‘on the boat’! Let us hope that the boat carrying our cards is not doomed like the one that bore the last King of the lost realm during his final retreat from Angmar! No, assuming safe passage through the Ice Bay of Forochel, we should be mere weeks away from exploring […]

Movie Review: The Battle of the Five Armies

Let’s face it. As sublime as the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien can be, were it not for the bombastic imagination of Peter Jackson, fewer people would have encountered the Professor’s world of Middle-earth. The Lord of the Rings would probably not have been as attractive a license to FFG. The community surrounding our favorite living […]

Gondorian Fire

Gondorian Fire is a card that captures a feeling of raw, massive, elemental power. Framed in the red border of the aggressive Tactics sphere, Michael Rasmussen’s artwork portrays a lone archer standing poised at a battlement beside a flaming cauldron. There is a single fiery arrow nocked in his bow. Sailing up the river behind […]

Theme Deck: The Dunland Trap

Usually I leave the strategy to the fine folks of The Grey Company at Tales from the Cards and Hall of Beorn, but today I’m going to venture beyond my pay grade because I’ve finally beaten The Dunland Trap with a deck that satisfies my particular thematic tastes as well.  Thanks to an especially Well […]

Special Feature: The Others

Derek recently brought to my attention a cool idea posted by user Ozil23 on the FFG forums, and I couldn’t resist falling down the rabbit hole.  In short, what if our duplicate versions of unique characters aren’t actually the same person, but rather other people from other eras of Tolkien’s legendarium with the same name?  […]


While our heroes are questing through the Fords of Isen, the mountain of Methedras, and Fangorn Forest at Saruman’s bidding, Fantasy Flight continues to drop previews of our upcoming adventures in the Ring-maker cycle. The cover art of the second pack titled “The Three Trials”, caught the attention of Cardboard of the Rings co-host Jared, […]

Numidian Prime

A site dedicated to analyzing the history and connections that bind the Star Wars galaxy

Vision Of The Palantir

In depth analysis of quests and strategy guides for LOTR LCG

Cave of Gollum

A Lord of the Rings LCG Blog

Mythos Busters

Investigating the Mystery, Monsters, and Madness of Arkham Horror: The Card Game