Tag Archives: Ring-maker cycle


Orcs ought to be regarded with a great deal more mystique and intrigue than we grant them. To many of us Orcs and Goblins are strictly sword-fodder, small black and green people of pure evil there to be destroyed with little thought put to the task. Really that does make sense: until we get a bit of […]

Celebrimbor’s Secret

Last November, the most anticipated adventure pack of The Ring-maker cycle hit the game with meta-changing might, introducing the last major character from the novels yet to receive hero treatment —  the Lady Galadriel. I can barely think of the scenario without hearing Cardboard of the Rings host Brandon’s conspiratorial whisper. “Celebrimbor’s Secret!” But what […]

The Nîn-in-Eilph

As our heroes flee their “Trouble in Tharbad” and head deeper into the land of Eregion, we also venture as deep as we have ever been into the obscure lore of Professor Tolkien’s world. Although the chief enemy of “The Nîn-in-Eilph” adventure pack is an Ancient Marsh-dweller, in fact, the swampy arena of our boss […]

Theme Deck: The Three Trials

However it may prove, one must tread the path that need chooses! — Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring With The Three Trials, Fantasy Flight has taken their development of Middle-earth’s lore to a new level, fleshing out the culture and history of the Dunlendings with Tolkien-esque details to create a rich and immersive play […]

Theme Deck: The Dunland Trap

Usually I leave the strategy to the fine folks of The Grey Company at Tales from the Cards and Hall of Beorn, but today I’m going to venture beyond my pay grade because I’ve finally beaten The Dunland Trap with a deck that satisfies my particular thematic tastes as well.  Thanks to an especially Well […]

The Dunland Trap Encounter Cards

It’s been about four months since our heroes stumbled out of Fangorn Forest and back to Saruman with the wizard’s prize, a fearsome orc named Mugash, in tow.  But now, at last, we are finally ready to set out once more in the service of Orthanc to seek the secrets of Celebrimbor, the Elven-smith who […]

Gladden Fields

For my contributions to our new Hasty Strokes segment here, I’m going to work my way through the scenarios in the order of their release, picking out an encounter card per set that is based on some iconic or obscure lore in Tolkien’s legendarium.  Since I’ve already written full feature articles on Ungoliant’s Spawn and […]

Numidian Prime

A site dedicated to analyzing the history and connections that bind the Star Wars galaxy

Vision Of The Palantir

In depth analysis of quests and strategy guides for LOTR LCG

Cave of Gollum

A Lord of the Rings LCG Blog

Mythos Busters

Investigating the Mystery, Monsters, and Madness of Arkham Horror: The Card Game