Tag Archives: John Howe

To the Sea! To the Sea!

  To the Sea! To the Sea! With the release of The Grey Havens, we are taking to our ships and setting sail to chase dreams on the high seas. But wait! What does the ocean have to do with the lands of Middle-earth? After all, the Fellowship of the Ring was composed of the […]


Orcs ought to be regarded with a great deal more mystique and intrigue than we grant them. To many of us Orcs and Goblins are strictly sword-fodder, small black and green people of pure evil there to be destroyed with little thought put to the task. Really that does make sense: until we get a bit of […]

Anticipating Angmar Awakened: The History

The Lost Realm is ‘on the boat’! Let us hope that the boat carrying our cards is not doomed like the one that bore the last King of the lost realm during his final retreat from Angmar! No, assuming safe passage through the Ice Bay of Forochel, we should be mere weeks away from exploring […]

The Dunland Trap Encounter Cards

It’s been about four months since our heroes stumbled out of Fangorn Forest and back to Saruman with the wizard’s prize, a fearsome orc named Mugash, in tow.  But now, at last, we are finally ready to set out once more in the service of Orthanc to seek the secrets of Celebrimbor, the Elven-smith who […]

Special Feature: The Others

Derek recently brought to my attention a cool idea posted by user Ozil23 on the FFG forums, and I couldn’t resist falling down the rabbit hole.  In short, what if our duplicate versions of unique characters aren’t actually the same person, but rather other people from other eras of Tolkien’s legendarium with the same name?  […]

Silver Lamp

Unhood your Silver Lamp and let’s shine some light on this most thematic of attachments as we explore some deep questions about destiny and doom.  Although I haven’t had a chance to build a deck with the Silver Lamp yet, I’ve been intrigued by this card and inspired to write about it since stumbling across […]

Old Forest Road

There is nothing quite like the feeling of the first step of any grand adventure.  The first day of a new job or new school year; loading up the suitcase for a flight or road trip to a new destination; or, in the case of our beloved collectible game, ripping the plastic off a fresh […]

The Hand of Castamir

For an avid fan of the Tolkien legendarium and The Lord of the Rings Living Card Game, few statements can stoke anticipation for the next round of adventure packs like these words from Lead Developer Caleb Grace: “Our second goal for the Against the Shadow cycle was a little more ambitious.  We really wanted to […]

Numidian Prime

A site dedicated to analyzing the history and connections that bind the Star Wars galaxy

Vision Of The Palantir

In depth analysis of quests and strategy guides for LOTR LCG

Cave of Gollum

A Lord of the Rings LCG Blog

Mythos Busters

Investigating the Mystery, Monsters, and Madness of Arkham Horror: The Card Game