Tag Archives: family tree

The Edain of Middle-Earth

With the announcement that we will be returning to the Wilderlands of the West in the our next deluxe expansion The Wilds of Rhovanion, it appears we are finally going to get some long-awaited development for the Dale trait. But these Bardings are not the only Men of the Wilderlands. Who are they and how they are […]


In addition to all the Dúnedain Ranger goodness that’s come with The Lost Realm expansion, and is to come with the following cycle, we have also been teased that the Noldor will be getting a bit of trait development. At this point there is little to say of the Noldor as cards and nothing to say of them as […]

Special Feature: The Others

Derek recently brought to my attention a cool idea posted by user Ozil23 on the FFG forums, and I couldn’t resist falling down the rabbit hole.  In short, what if our duplicate versions of unique characters aren’t actually the same person, but rather other people from other eras of Tolkien’s legendarium with the same name?  […]

Silver Lamp

Unhood your Silver Lamp and let’s shine some light on this most thematic of attachments as we explore some deep questions about destiny and doom.  Although I haven’t had a chance to build a deck with the Silver Lamp yet, I’ve been intrigued by this card and inspired to write about it since stumbling across […]

Elladan & Elrohir

The Half-elven are the most interesting of all the people of Tolkien’s Middle-earth. That’s a pretty bold blanket statement, so hopefully this article will help to back it up. But the Half-elven are among the most fated people in Tolkien’s stories; it began with  Beren and Lúthien, who we meet for the first time in […]

For Gondor!

NOTICE: For maximum thematic enjoyment, play this compilation of every Gondor cue in The Lord of the Rings soundtrack from A Magpie’s Nest as you read my article about the White Tree.  Enjoy! A solitary stately horn blows a noble note as Lord Boromir stands at the Council of Elrond.  “By the blood of our […]

The Hand of Castamir

For an avid fan of the Tolkien legendarium and The Lord of the Rings Living Card Game, few statements can stoke anticipation for the next round of adventure packs like these words from Lead Developer Caleb Grace: “Our second goal for the Against the Shadow cycle was a little more ambitious.  We really wanted to […]

Ungoliant’s Spawn

One of the recurring themes in Tolkien’s legendarium is that history, if not repeating, at least rhymes. Everything that happens is imbued with a shade and memory of the epic tales of yore. The world is filled with archetypal models that appear and reappear, creating an echo of resonance across time and space, sweeping up […]

Numidian Prime

A site dedicated to analyzing the history and connections that bind the Star Wars galaxy

Vision Of The Palantir

In depth analysis of quests and strategy guides for LOTR LCG

Cave of Gollum

A Lord of the Rings LCG Blog

Mythos Busters

Investigating the Mystery, Monsters, and Madness of Arkham Horror: The Card Game